January 3rd,
"D day" 43 minutes

- To have students reacclimatize to school life after a long winter break by
participating in an interactive activity involving a partner.
- To determine how willing and prepared the students are to jump into the
subject of clinical psychology by administering a short vocabulary test.
Anticipatory Set:
- Students were asked to prepare for A/B sharing. Each student was
given 40 seconds to describe one point of interest from their winter break.
- Next, students were given 4 minutes to prepare for the vocabulary quiz.
Learning Activity 1:
- Students are given approximately 9 minutes to complete a vocabulary
quiz. Each student could pick at least 5 words/phrases from the packet
given to them over the break, and define them in class.
Learning Activity 2:
- Students are instructed to locate a partner on the other side of
the room (this ensures that they do not always work with their friend).
- Next, partners are handed a task card that either instructs them to find
and prove the existence of some "system" in the room that either
has order, or one that is in a "random" state.
- Activity should take up remainder of time.