Neuro-Linguistic Programming

 What is It?

Body Language and other non-verbal cues are an expression of dominant modality and submodality changes in internal experiences.

Why is it Useful?

Knowledge of NLP makes it possible to assess internal processing, even when the client is not aware of their subconscious conflicts, thoughts, or resolutions.


  • Typically when a client looks up and left, he or she will be using, and responding to, remembered images,

  • Moving head up and right indicates use of creative imagery.

  • Moving the head slightly back and to the right while visualizing, indicates that the image is becoming dissociated.

These things can later be used to indicate whether a treatment is having a positive affect.

Also, consider how a patient speaks.

  • Loud, soft

  • Fast, slow

  • Tense, at ease

As a psychologist, it is your job to determine how a patient acts when they are in their problem state, and when they are calm.  Knowing this can help you determine when they are experiencing anxiety or simply putting on a show.